Announcement for Senior Lyceum Students
20 Mar '17

In the context of its annual scholarship programme, the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation informs pupils finishing their senior high school studies in Greece that in September 2017, twenty-five new scholarships for undergraduate studies will be announced for students entering Universities and Technological Education Institutes (first year students in the 2017-18 academic year).

Eligible candidates are pupils from all parts of Greece and all scientific fields. In the selection process priority will be given to candidates who have achieved high scores in the entrance examinations and fulfil specific socio-economic criteria. The funding will continue through all the years of study on the provision that the scholarship holder will maintain a sound performance.

Basic prerequisites for participation in the programme are:

  • Study in a place different from the permanent place of residence of the family.
  • A score higher than 17,000 units in the Panhelladic examinations (without the special subjects).

The detailed terms and prerequisites of the programme and required documentation will be announced at the beginning of September 2017. For relevant information interested parties are asked to visit the website or follow the Foundation’s Facebook page.

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