Public Call | “Points of Support” Programme | 7th Round

Public Call | “Points of Support” Programme | 7th Round
26 Feb '24

10 Public Benefit Foundations join forces to support small-size Civil Society Organisations

10 Greek public benefit foundations have once again joined forces to support civil society, announcing a Public Call for participation to the 7th funding round of the “Points of Support” Programme, coordinated by the Bodossaki Foundation.

The “Points of Support” Programme is addressed to small-size civil society organisations in Greece, supporting them in the implementation of their original small-scale projects with maximum social impact, in the strengthening of their organisational structures and in the development of capacities that will contribute to their overall sustainability.

This new round of the Programme, which started in 2015 and has to date funded a total of 157 projects with more than 50,000 beneficiaries, is a collaborative initiative of the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, the Bodossaki Foundation, the Captain Vassilis & Carmen Constantakopoulos Foundation, the A. G. Leventis Foundation, the A.C. Laskaridis Foundation, the Costas M. Lemos Foundation, the Social and Cultural Affairs Welfare Foundation (KIKPE), The Hellenic Initiative Canada, the Athina I. Martinou Foundation and the Helidoni Foundation.

In the context of the 7th round of the Programme, a maximum of 36 projects will receive funding amounting to ten thousand euro (€10,000) each; the projects will have a duration of up to 8 months and fall within one of the following thematic areas, as identified by the Programme funders:

  • Social Integration of People with Disabilities (John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation)
  • Children and Health (Captain Vassilis and Carmen Constantakopoulos Foundation)
  • Prevention and Promotion of Adult Health (Public Benefit Foundation of Social and Cultural Work – KIKPE)
  • Alleviation of Poverty and the Food Crisis (The Hellenic Initiative Canada)
  • Environmental Protection:
    • Protection of the Flora and Fauna in the Urban and Peri-urban Environment (A. G. Leventis Foundation)
    • Protection of Aquatic and Coastal Ecosystems (A.C. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation)
    • Protection of Forest and Other Terrestrial Ecosystems (Costas M. Lemos Foundation)
  • Social Innovation in Small Seaside Local Communities (Athina I. Martinou Foundation)
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities (Helidoni Fοundation)

Eligible organisations must meet the following general requirements (for further details, see theTerms and Conditions of Participation in the Programme):

  1. They must be non-profit legal entities registered in Greece (foundations, associations, societies, non-profit organisations – AMKE etc.) or Social Cooperative Enterprises (SCEs) of Article 14 of Law 4430/2016, as applicable at the material time.
  2. Their annual gross income from all sources (taxable or tax-exempt) must amount up to €50,000 for the fiscal year 2023, as evidenced by the appropriate accounting documentation (e.g. balance sheet, activity report, balance of accounts).
  3. They must have completed at least one (1) year from their establishment and acquisition of legal personality in Greece at the time of the announcement of the Public Call [i.e., to participate to the seventh (7th) round of the programme, they must have been established by 26 February 2023].
  4. They must not belong to the State or local authorities, nor be legal entities governed by public law or legal entities belonging to the wider public sector, as from time to time defined pursuant to the applicable law, and, in general, they must not fall within the jurisdiction or supervision of the State and their activity must not be of a religious, political or trade union – professional nature.

Alongside the funding, the Programme includes free participation in capacity building activities for the grantee organisations, which will be funded and implemented by Social Dynamo, the NGO hub of the Bodossaki Foundation.

The closing date for applications is 30 April 2024. The results will be announced in July 2024.

The opening event of the programme will take place on Monday, 11 March, at 14:00, at the Culture Centre of the Benaki Museum (at 138 Pireos St. & Andronikou St.). To sign up please click here

The event will be followed by an application writing workshop, for which you are required to register separately here.

The workshop will be repeated online; to register, please select the date corresponding to your geographic area, here.

In the downloads section on the right-hand side of the page, you will find the Solemn Declaration, the Terms and Conditions for Participation, the sample of the Application Form for Participation in the Programme and the Budget Form.

Information on the processing of personal data in the framework of the Programme is available here.