Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programmes 

Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programmes 

The John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, in the context of supporting actions aimed at fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and technological innovation, has once again supported the initiatives of StartSmart SEE (MIT Enterprise Forum Greece), and in particular, the organisation of a two-day conference entitled “MIT Global Startup Workshop”, as well as the implementation of the acceleration programme «StartSmart SEE Accelerator». The aim of the Conference, which took place at the Athens International Conference Centre of the Megaron – The Athens Concert Hall in March 2023, was to establish Greece as an emerging global technology hub, through the development of Greek innovative start-ups operating in the field of cutting-edge technology. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) brought its world-renowned technology and entrepreneurship expertise to the event, offering participants the opportunity to network with entrepreneurs, students and investors from around the world. The “Startup Pitch Competition” was held at the end of the Conference, where all participating teams competed for cash prizes and awards consisting the provision of free mentoring services that will significantly contribute to their business enjoying a stronger competitive advantage, as well as opportunities for exposure in an international network. At the same time, aiming to enhance the Greek technological ecosystem, the flagship acceleration programme “StartSmart SEE Accelerator” was implemented. Through the Programme participants had access to workshops and hands-on coaching by renowned mentors aiming to help them transfer their innovative research ideas to the business market. The 3-month Programme concluded in December 2023 with the Awards Ceremony where 3 start-ups that stood out for their socially innovative ideas received prizes.

Watch all the Conference panels here.

  • 115 start-ups, 62 speakers and more than 360 students participated in the 25th Conference “MIT Global Startup Workshop”, which was attend by more than 1,600 people from 27 countries.
  • 20 start-ups participated in the Fall cycle of the “StartSmart SEE Accelerator” programme.


“We are very excited with the award we won to visit Boston. We love being part of this Competition and this ecosystem, especially for the network opportunities it offers.”

Dimitris Komninos

CEO & Founder, mood

3rd prize (audience choice), Startup Pitch Competition – “MIT Global Startup Workshop 2023” Conference