“Terra Graeca: Small Farm to Market” Programme

“Terra Graeca: Small Farm to Market” Programme

With a vision of building a society that promotes the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, the Mediterranean Institute for Nature and Anthropos (MedINA) implements innovative initiatives aimed at the well-being of local communities as productive and healthy agroecosystems, by protecting, preserving and promoting their natural and cultural heritage. Under this scope, with the support of the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, the programme “Terra Graeca: Small Farm to Market” was implemented, which aims to empower farmers in Lemnos and Kythera in multiple aspects and to foster the sustainable development of the agri-food identity of these islands. The purpose of the Programme is to co-create an integrated model of production, standardisation and distribution of products in Lemnos and Kythera, ensuring the economic viability of small producers who adhere to approved standards of traditional agricultural management and have received MedINA’s certification “Terra Vita – Agricultural Tradition and Biodiversity”, and preserving biodiversity through the prudent use of natural resources. To achieve these objectives, actions were implemented in three interconnected axes: promoting the “Terra Vita” certification and certified products in national and international markets, training producers on the opportunities offered by small-scale vertical integration of production (on-farm artisanal processing), and developing model agritourism experiences in farms open to visitors. As part of these actions, a short food supply chain was developed, connecting certified olive oil producers from Kythera with German consumers, while producers from Lemnos participated in experiential educational workshops on the creation of agroecological businesses and models of agri-food tourism.

  • 63 people participated in the educational workshops held in Lemnos.
  • 40 producers received the “Terra Vita – Agricultural Tradition and Biodiversity” certification for their products.


“I have been helped in many ways by MedINA and the seminars; I gained knowledge that I will apply to my work over time. Through the Programme, we learn what is happening in other places and get inspiration.”

Charalampos Skapetis

Livestock farmer and cheese factory owner, Lemnos