Undergraduate Scholarships 2016-2017
14 Sep '16

The John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation announces the provision of 25 scholarships for undergraduate studies in the academic year 2016-2017. The scholarships will be awarded to graduates from Greek high schools in the 2015-2016 school year  who have completed enrollment at  one of the country’s public universities or technical education institutions as first year students for the 2016-2017 academic year.


Candidates may apply if they meet the following conditions:  

  • First-time enrollment at a public university or technical education institution in Greece on conclusion of the Pan-Hellenic Examination procedure  in May-June 2016.
  • The department in which they enroll is in a place other than the location of the  secondary school from which they graduated and the place of permanent residence of their family. 
  • Achievement of a general score in the Pan-Hellenic Examinations of at least seventeen (17.00), not including elective courses.
  • The annual total declared household income for the fiscal year 2015 does not exceed the amount of twenty thousand euros (€20,000).
  • They are not in receipt of any other scholarship, prize or financial assistance from any institution.

Applications that do not meet the above conditions will not be evaluated. If you change any of the information submitted (e.g. enrollment transfer, change of permanent place of residence of candidate’s family, etc.) the Foundation will re-examine the application and has the option of terminating the scholarship.


Applications are to be submitted electronically using the specially designed system at the address

Candidates must digitize the following documents and append them as attachments to the online application:

  • High school graduation certificate.
  • Certificate of Participation in the Pan-Hellenic Examinations (new system) or Certificate of Access (old system).
  • Proof of enrollment in the school to which they have been admitted.
  • Parents’ (and candidate’s, if applicable) tax clearance certificate(s)  for fiscal years 2015 and 2014
  • Single Property Tax clearance certificate for candidate and parents  
  • Certificate of family status      
  • Confirmation of Postponement of Military Training (if the candidate has not been summoned for military service he must submit a relevant Statutory Declaration) 
  • Copy of ID card
  • Any type of document indicating the existence of social criteria (a large family, loss of parent, single parent family, etc.)

In the event that candidates intend to apply for transfer to another university or technical education institution they will be required to enclose a statutory declaration specifyingthe department and institution.

NOTE: Documents related to health issues of the candidate or first degree relatives are not to be submitted electronically. They are to be sent by post in accordance with the instructions specified on the application form.

Social criteria, additional study data and a statement of purpose are to be included in the online application (for further information on these fields you may consult “Frequently Asked Questions” in Greek).

If applicants do not substantiate statements in their applications by means of official documents from the relevant public bodies, they will be excluded from the evaluation process. If necessary, during evaluation candidates may be summoned for an interview.


Candidates’ performance in high school and at the Pan-Hellenic Examinations will be taken into account in the selection process, along with other elements of general education and – besides consideration of personal details - with discrimination on the basis of the family and social data submitted with applications.


The duration of the scholarship is for all the years of study specified in the study regulations for each department and will not exceed three thousand two hundred euros (€3,200) per annum. Scholarship holders renew their scholarship each year on the basis of their academic progress.


Submission of online applications Wednesday September 14 to Wednesday, October 5, 2016 at 14.00.

Announcement of results: End of November 2016.

For further information and/or explanations: [email protected].

Before starting to complete your online application you must have read the Frequently Asked Questions (in Greek).


Olympic Preparation Scholarship Programme 2022

PROGRAMME: “Olympic Preparation Scholarship Programme”

Support for Programmes & Initiatitves

Higher Incubator Giving Growth and Sustainability (HIGGS) 

5th Round | “Points of Support” Programme

PROGRAMME: “Points of Support”

University of the Third Age


Digital and Cognitive Empowerment Programme

Athens Alzheimer Association 

“Palliative Care at Home” Programme


“Patients Hub” co-working innovation and patient empowerment space

HUMANE Social Enterprise 

Medical Supplies Donation Programme


4th Round | “Collaborating for Health” Programme

PROGRAMME: “Collaborating for Health”

Donation for the Refurbishing – Renovation – Upgrading of the Emergency Department

General Hospital of Athens "G. Gennimatas"

PROGRAMME: “Upgrade of the National Health System Programme”

Wildfires Response Extraordinary Programme

PROGRAMME: “Wildfires Response Extraordinary Programme”

Research Programmes and Activities 2022

Research Centre for the Humanities (RCH)

ECITO Research Project

“ATHENA” – Research & Innovation Centre in Information, Communication & Knowledge Technologies 

Inaugural Scientific Symposium

Hellenic Institute of Advanced Studies

D-HUB – An Incubator in Support of Cultural Tourism Programmes

Diazoma Association 

National Awards for Young Entrepreneurs “Elevate Greece” 2022

Ministry of Development and Investments 

“MITEF Greece Startup Competition”

MIT Enterprise Forum Greece (MITEF GREECE)

Environmental Education Pilot Programme

Ecogenia NPO

Musical Performances & Educational Activities 2022

Greek Youth Symphony Orchestra

“Climate Change and Us” Exhibition

The Goulandris Museum of Natural History

Digital Training Programmes

Social Impact and Innovation (Socialinnov) NPO

“Future Leaders Series” Programme

ALBA Graduate Business School

“Empowering Vocational Education students” Programme

NPO The Tipping Point

«Company Junior» Programme

Junior Achievement Greece

“Skills Clubs | Youth skills for the 21st century” Programme

British Council Greece

“Latsis Foundation Study Abroad Scholarships” Programme 2022-2023

The American College of Greece

Postgraduate Scholarships Programme 2022-2023

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