“Company Junior” and “V-Company” Programmes

“Company Junior” and “V-Company” Programmes

The John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, aiming, among other things, at the enhancement of initiatives that promote Youth Entrepreneurship, Social Innovation and Active Citizenship, has collaborated once again with the educational non-profit organisation Junior Achievement Greece, supporting for the second consecutive school year the implementation of the “Company Junior” programme for students aged 11-15 (5th grade of primary school to 3rd grade of secondary school). In the framework of the Programme, which aims to introduce experiential learning into the educational process, students, with the help of mentors-volunteers, are invited to create their own innovative “virtual business” that will solve a contemporary social and/or environmental problem, combining a wide range of curricular subjects and objectives, depending on the orientation of their business idea, such as Science, Sustainable Development and New Technologies. At the same time, during the school year 2022-2023, the innovative entrepreneurship training programme “V-Company” was implemented for the first time, with the support of the Foundation. The Programme, which is addressed to adult students of Vocational High Schools (EPAL) and Apprentice Vocational Schools (EPAS), as well as Vocational Training Institutes (IEK) of Greek Public Employment Service (DYPA), offers participants the opportunity to develop original ideas for the design and presentation of a business plan, developing skills such as team work, planning, problem solving, as well as taking initiative and responsibility.

  • During the school year 2022-2023, the “Company Junior” programme was implemented in 104 school units in Greece and abroad, with the participation of 3,051 students and 129 teachers.
  • 2,000 students aged 15-25 years old and 138 teachers from 70 school units of Vocational Education participated in the “V-Company” programme during its first year of implementation.


“I gained valuable insights, including the importance of thorough consideration before making decisions about my future and my life in general. I also learned to collaborate and listen to my classmates, as well as the importance of applying each of my thoughts/decisions correctly, in order to achieve the best outcome.”

Sixth Grade student

6th Primary School of Pallini

2nd Prize “Company Junior”, 18th Greek National Student Competition “Best Virtual Company 2023”

“Participating in ‘V-Company’ proved to be a valuable learning experience. It equipped us with key organisational, communication and other skills, as well as cultivated a sense of community that is integral to our success. The Programme required a multi-faceted approach, including strategic organisation, market research, teamwork and adaptability, providing practical knowledge that went beyond theory. The initial idea came during our workshops after many attempts and ideas for innovative products and following the need to reduce food waste that could be used differently.”

Konstantinos Chatzistavrou

Student, “Bakery and Pastry Technician” specialisation, Apprentice Vocational School of Alexandroupolis

1st Prize “V-Company”, 18th Greek National Student Competition “Best Virtual Company 2023”