“You Have a Second Chance” Social Integration Programme of Returning Citizens Former Drug Users and Vocational Training Programmes

“You Have a Second Chance” Social Integration Programme of Returning Citizens Former Drug Users and Vocational Training Programmes

In 2023, the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation supported the innovative programme “You Have a Second Chance” implemented by ODYSSEA NPO in cooperation with KETHEA EN DRASI, aiming at the empowerment, vocational training and social reintegration of inmates in Detention Facilities around Greece and former inmates and users of psychoactive substances in rehabilitation. Following a holistic approach, the Programme combines the implementation of training programmes inside and outside the Detention Facilities in various specialisations, such as cooking, carpentry, handmade jewellery and digital skills, including the provision counseling and psychological support for their rehabilitation in accordance with the therapeutic framework and under the supervision of KETHEA EN DRASI. At the same time, participants attend professional orientation and job search sessions and receive post-therapeutic support in order to ensure their smooth reintegration into society and everyday working life. Also, the Foundation continues to support the organisation’s educational work by providing equipment for the upgrade of the vocational training and empowerment programmes offered free of charge to people from vulnerable groups at the “Odyssea” Academy. The Foundation’s donation has provided the Academy with modern air condition unit and a state-of-the-art solar panel system, which has also helped to reduce the Academy’s energy consumption, as well as complete kitchen equipment for the simulation class of the “Kitchen Assistant” course.

Watch the video of the Programme here (in Greek).

  • 425 individuals, both inside and outside Detention Facilities, participated in the Programme.
  • 40 individuals found employment upon completion of the Programme.


“They have really helped me to open my mind and broaden my way of thinking, to learn new things that I didn’t have the opportunity to do while I was using substances and in my life in general… I am very happy that I’m given career opportunities, as after being released from prison it’s quite difficult to settle down somewhere professionally. And overall, we have a lot of fun with the team. These are my happy moments!”


Beneficiary, “You Have a Second Chance” programme