“STEAMing the Future” Programme

“STEAMing the Future” Programme

With the aim of enhancing equal access to educational innovation, the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation will support, starting in 2023 and for three school years, the “STEAMing the Future” programme of Anatolia College aimed at children who wish to cultivate digital skills and critical thinking, as well as become familiar with the professions of the future. With the Foundation’s support, this innovative educational programme will expand geographically, offering the opportunity to primary, middle and high school students from the area of Thessaloniki –especially focusing on children from public schools in Western Thessaloniki– to participate in free on-site STEAM workshops aiming at their academic and personal development. The Programme, which was piloted in Xanthi (and online at national level) during the school year 2022-2023 with the support of the Bodossaki Foundation, was designed by the Anna Papageorgiou STEM Centre of Anatolia College with the aim of strengthening the inclusion of students from disadvantaged areas of Thessaloniki, promoting equal opportunities in quality education and bridging the digital gender gap. The first round of on-site courses in Thessaloniki was completed in December 2023, offering students an interactive educational experience based on innovative STEAM learning methods in a variety of subjects, including: Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Thinking, Robotics and Automation.

  • 440 students are expected to participate in the Programme over 3 school years.


“I enjoyed the Programme because it helped me gain knowledge, sparked my interest in new professional fields and allowed me to cultivate some important skills, such as critical thinking and creativity.”

“The Programme is great as you cultivate thinking, learn new things and come into contact with new fields of technology. Also, the teachers are willing to help and make the Programme fun and interactive.”

Testimonials of students who participated in the first round of the Programme