Creation of a Community Organic Vegetable Garden

Creation of a Community Organic Vegetable Garden

“Organization Earth” aims to establish a sustainable way of thinking and interacting with the environment and society, through experiential non-formal education programmes for all ages and inclusion initiatives for vulnerable social groups. In this context, with the support of the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, “Organization Earth” implemented its initiative of creating a Community Organic Vegetable Garden in the Municipality of Petroupolis, with significant social and environmental benefits for the residents. The main goal of the initiative is to enhance the resilience of the local community by promoting healthy nutrition and sustainable agriculture through the creation of an organic vegetable garden. The garden serves as a space for experiential education for citizens from vulnerable social groups who are responsible for its cultivation, as well as for students who reconnect with the land and learn about sustainable development. The Social Organic Vegetable Garden, designed by the community through participatory processes, offers residents of Petroupolis the opportunity to familiarise themselves with urban agriculture through educational workshops, to develop environmental awareness and green skills, to strengthen their social ties, while simultaneously improving their quality of life and the neighbourhood identity. Through this initiative, food security and empowerment of the participants is achieved, while part of the harvest is distributed to the community through the Social Grocery.

  • 40 organic farmers are involved in the initiative, while 650 citizens (adults and children) participated in collective community-based actions.
  • Within 2023, 40 species of plants were cultivated and 1,100 kg of vegetables were produced.


“Living in the city and having a piece of land that you can cultivate, to connect with the earth, and have your own organic produce is extremely important for the quality of life.”

Dimitra Koutsomitrou

Organic Farmer

“We hope that the Social Organic Vegetable Garden of the Municipality of Petroupolis will become a reference point and a meeting place for people with a passion and enthousiasm for gardening. Encouraging and exchanging experiences among growers, disseminating good organic practices, promoting the use of traditional vegetable varieties, and educating beneficiaries in proper agricultural practices are some of the goals we have set. In addition, by investing in the education of the new generation, we look forward to the participation of the city’s schools in environmental, recreational and social events, as well as the creation of School Vegetable Gardens. All participants are provided with free agronomic and advisory support for the cultivation care of their crops.”

Fotis Christopoulos

Municipal Councillor, Municipality of Petroupolis



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Creation of a Community Organic Vegetable Garden

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