Home Care Service

Home Care Service


“GALILEE” is a Model Palliative Care Unit, the only one in Greece offering comprehensive Palliative Care services to cancer patients and patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) through a specialised multidisciplinary approach. The John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation supported within 2023 the Home Care Service, covering the annual salary expenses of the Head of the Nursing Team. Through this Service, patients receive free medical, psycho-social, and spiritual care at their homes by a highly trained team of healthcare professionals and volunteers. Following an assessment of the patients’ needs and wishes, a personalised palliative care plan is developed, including home-based holistic support, with the aim of improving their health and quality of life.

  • A total of 497 patients and caregivers were supported by the Home Care Service offered by “GALILEE”.
  • Approximately 5,500 home visits to approximately 782 patients with cancer and motor neurone disease and their caregivers are carried out annually by “GALILEE”.


“When I was diagnosed with cancer in 2014, I can’t describe the fear and despair I felt; I didn’t know what to do. The first day I left the hospital, the GALILEE team came to the house. As soon as I opened the door... what was I to see? The Director, doctors, nurses and social workers. I have no words to describe it. From that moment to this day they have been like a ‘rock’ by my side. Thankfully, today I am fine! For me personally, GALILEE is a gift from God, it is a source of life, an open embrace with so much love.”

Jessica Teneva

Breast cancer patient



​​​​​​​Donation of Medical Equipment and Area Restructuring/Renovation Works

“ATTIKON” General University Hospital of Athens 

Support for the Operation of the Special Unit for Neuromuscular Diseases

MDA HELLAS – Muscular Dystrophy Association 

Home Care Service

“Galilee” Palliative Care Unit Holy Metropolis of Mesogaia and Lavrion

«Net-Zero Care» Project


Programmes of Medical-Psychological Support


“Points of Support” Programme – Small Grants, Big Ideas

PROGRAMME: “Points of Support”

JobsLink: Employment Integration Programme for People on the Autism Spectrum


Early Intervention Programme

"Η ΑΜΥΜΩΝΗ" - Πανελλήνιος Σύλλογος Γονέων και Κηδεμόνων Ατόμων με Προβλήματα Όρασης και Πρόσθετες Αναπηρίες

Educational Animation Workshop for People with Disabilities

ANIMASYROS International Animation Festival 

“Inclusion in Action” Educational-Artistic Programme

Athens International Children's Film Festival NPO

Educational-Sports Integration Programme for People with Intellectual Disabilities

Special Olympics Hellas

Olympic Preparation Scholarship Programme 2023

PROGRAMME: “Olympic Preparation Scholarship Programme”

Creation of a Community Organic Vegetable Garden

Organisation Earth NPO

Culinary Education and Professional Empowerment Programme


Employment Counseling Service


Empowerment Programmes for CSOs

Higher Incubator Giving Growth and Sustainability (HIGGS) 

Wildfires Response Extraordinary Programme | 2023

PROGRAMME: “Wildfires Response Extraordinary Programme”