JobsLink: Employment Integration Programme for People on the Autism Spectrum

JobsLink: Employment Integration Programme for People on the Autism Spectrum

The Greek Association for Asperger’s Syndrome aims to inform and raise awareness about the diversity of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), High-Functioning Autism or Asperger Syndrome, to promote their social acceptance, as well as their vocational training and employment. In this context, with the support, among others, of the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, the Association implements the support programme for the integration of people on the Autism Spectrum into the labour market through the innovative interactive job search platform JobsLink. The platform, unique in its kind, offers a structured and properly staffed system for connecting candidates with ASD diagnosis and employers through trained mentors-mediators. The aim of the Programme is, on the one hand, to highlight the unique skills of people with High-Functioning Autism and to educate businesses in order to alleviate the reservations and overcome the hesitancy of potential employers and, on the other hand, to provide practical support within the work environment to both parties. In the framework of the Programme, information activities were carried out and a special “Mentor’s Handbook” was created; the mentor’s role is particularly important, as it serves as the link between the prospective employee and the employer, providing support at all stages of the selection, recruitment and adaptation process of the employee to the new professional role.

  • 361 prospective employees on the Autism Spectrum have been supported through the JobsLink platform, while 31 companies have been informed about recruitment opportunities.
  • The Association has 346 registered members.


“I think if it wasn’t for the JobsLink programme I would still be struggling on my own and would never manage to find a job. I also know that my mentor will be there for me every step of the way, especially in the first few days, which helps me manage the stress of adjusting. I hope that other young men and women with autism can find a job like I did and make the most of their talents.”

George Merkouris




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JobsLink: Employment Integration Programme for People on the Autism Spectrum


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