Empowerment Programmes for CSOs

Empowerment Programmes for CSOs

The Higher Incubator Giving Growth & Sustainability (HIGGS) is an initiative aimed at empowering Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) operating in Greece, through educational and support programmes, activities and events held at its premises. With a vision to become a beacon of creation, development and open dialogue, contributing to the effective and sustainable operation of CSOs, HIGGS implemented its three core programmes in 2023, with the support of the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation and other donors, namely the “Incubator”, the “Green and Social Entrepreneurship (GSE) Incubator” and the “Accelerator” programmes.

These programmes provide CSOs with free, intensive training and specialised consultancy, along with opportunities for networking and collaboration with all stakeholders within the ecosystem. In particular, the “Incubator” training and consultancy programme is specifically designed for CSOs which are newly established or are in the process of being established, with the aim to help them build capacity in strategic planning, establishing the organisation, commencing operations, and attracting funding. The “Green and Social Entrepreneurship Incubator” programme is an evolution of the “Incubator”, offering seminars of a similar nature exclusively to organisations involved in social and green entrentrepreneurial activity and implementing environmental and sustainable development actions. The “Accelerator” programme is addressed to CSOs operating for a longer period of time, with the aim to provide them with support on issues related to their strategy and the development of their proposals.

In addition, in 2023, with the support of the Foundation, the annual conference “Philanthropy 2.0 – The Importance of Social Impact” was held, which highlighted the role of CSOs in Greek society and the necessity of measuring their social impact. Furthermore, the organisation of the 7th Donors Speed Dating served as a meeting point and introduction of the Civil Society stakeholders within a context of exploring potential partnerships.

  • A total of 51 organisations participated in the HIGGS programmes in 2023.
  • 347 online meetings were held between 149 organisations and 33 potential donors during the 7th Donors Speed Dating event.
  • 38 speakers participated in the 7 panels of the annual conference “Philanthropy 2.0 – The Importance of Social Impact”.


“‘Incubator’ is a must experience! It’s like a mini master’s degree in business administration with a strong experiential aspect. Meeting professionals who actively support you, both during and after the bootcamp, while sharing ideas, concepts and obstacles that will become bridges. Meeting people who will become your partners, supporters and friends in real life.”

Chrysanthi Georganta

Founding Member, Career Sign



​​​​​​​Donation of Medical Equipment and Area Restructuring/Renovation Works

“ATTIKON” General University Hospital of Athens 

Support for the Operation of the Special Unit for Neuromuscular Diseases

MDA HELLAS – Muscular Dystrophy Association 

Home Care Service

“Galilee” Palliative Care Unit Holy Metropolis of Mesogaia and Lavrion

«Net-Zero Care» Project


Programmes of Medical-Psychological Support


“Points of Support” Programme – Small Grants, Big Ideas

PROGRAMME: “Points of Support”

JobsLink: Employment Integration Programme for People on the Autism Spectrum


Early Intervention Programme

"Η ΑΜΥΜΩΝΗ" - Πανελλήνιος Σύλλογος Γονέων και Κηδεμόνων Ατόμων με Προβλήματα Όρασης και Πρόσθετες Αναπηρίες

Educational Animation Workshop for People with Disabilities

ANIMASYROS International Animation Festival 

“Inclusion in Action” Educational-Artistic Programme

Athens International Children's Film Festival NPO

Educational-Sports Integration Programme for People with Intellectual Disabilities

Special Olympics Hellas

Olympic Preparation Scholarship Programme 2023

PROGRAMME: “Olympic Preparation Scholarship Programme”

Creation of a Community Organic Vegetable Garden

Organisation Earth NPO

Culinary Education and Professional Empowerment Programme


Employment Counseling Service


Empowerment Programmes for CSOs

Higher Incubator Giving Growth and Sustainability (HIGGS) 

Wildfires Response Extraordinary Programme | 2023

PROGRAMME: “Wildfires Response Extraordinary Programme”