The John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation announces the granting of 20 postgraduate scholarships (Masters level / all scientific fields) for the academic year 2014-2015 for senior students or graduates from academic institutions in Greece and abroad, who excelled in their undergraduate studies.
Interested individuals may apply provided that:
they have graduated from a Greek High school.
they have an average grade of at least eight (8,00) in their undergraduate degree
have a written offer for a place on a postgraduate programme
are financially unable to cover the tuition fees of their sudies.
Applications, must be submitted electronically through the Scholarship online system that will only remain active as long as the public call is active. All documents should be submitted
Submission Deadlines: Thursday 15 May - Thursday 29 May 2014.
Announcement of Results: The list of successful candidates will be published on the Foundation's website in late July 2014.
Click here to login into the system and submit your application.